Thursday, September 23, 2010

postheadericon Flea Control For Dogs

Flea Control for dog
The flea allergy is the most common cause of itching and scratching in dogs and cats. When a flea bites your pet, it injects a small amount of saliva into the skin, dogs and cats can develop an allergy to flea saliva protein and react with intense itching and scratching. This itching sensation can last for more than two weeks after the last bite of fleas. In adult dogs, the most commonly observed signs of allergy to fleas are biting and scratching around the buttocks at the base of the tail and groin areas (hot spots). The kittens and cats are allergic to fleas in many ways. In cats, you can see areas of hair loss and scratching out or excessive grooming (self-cleaning cat), but more often, you can feel relief and small scabs around the neck and flanks (miliary dermatitis). In puppies itching and rashes can affect the entire body.

It may seem strange to hear about the flea allergy dermatitis in your dog or cat without that you have never seen a flea on loro.Tuttavia, when your pet's itching, has a remarkable ability to hunt and eat, therefore, these fleas before you can see them! You can, however, find evidence that the fleas have bitten your pet using a fine comb and brush the "flea dirt" they leave behind. The dirt looks like small dots of blacks and consists mostly of dried blood in the excrement of the flea. If you put this material on a moist, it melts and leaves blood spots (dots, from blacks, becoming reddish).

The only effective therapy for long-term flea allergy dermatitis is to prevent your pet has been bitten by fleas. This may seem an almost impossible task, but it is not.



We recommend a product adulticide for flea allergic to animals or animal environments allergic to fleas, some preparations are available and safe new "spot on" with good convenience of application. These products have proven effective when used as directed by your veterinarian and are not absorbed into the bloodstream of your pet. Two of these products are imidaclopramid (Advantage) and fipronil (Frontline). Other molecules have recently been introduced to the market in the form of spot-on, with good results. These products are applied starting from the parting of the hair between the shoulders and hips, and applying small amounts of liquid on the skin. The frequency of application varies with the product and the need for bathrooms. They do not apply more than once a week e. sometimes every 3-4 weeks. It's recommended that you do not you wash your dog the day before or after application of the treatment spot on. In addition, the Frontline is formulated as a spray. May be advisable to use a permethrin-based spray every day or foaming products on your pet, these products are used if the animals are often wet with shampoo or treatment if they are avid swimmers.


If you have cats, they must be involved in the control program to fleas, even if they do not show any problem, if not bring fleas in the home, garden and dogs, cats are more sensitive to chemicals in flea preparations, and some products can not be used in dogs and cats. The Advantage For cats  and Frontline in preparation for cats are safe and easy to use, they are applied in a similar way to dogs. Their application also varies from 1 to 4 times a week.



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