Sunday, August 8, 2010

postheadericon Do not spend money on expensive courses, Trains your dog in the house, NOW!

"Golden Retriever in my house."
Around the origins of the Golden Retriever there is a nice myth, and many known. The ancestors of these fantastic hair Cagnoni from six hunting dogs were Russians, who performed in a circus in England. There they saw the Lord TWEEDMOUTH who decided to buy all six and then crossed with the Bloodhound, to create a breed of small size but equally beautiful. This is the legend and will never know if this story is true or not. Many argue that the Golden Retriever was born from crossing the Tweed Water Spaniel with a Newfoundland small or with a Flat-Coated Retriever. Whatever the nineteenth-century records that come from ownership of Lord TWEEDMOUTH, Scotland, that by Nous, the first Yellow Retriever born in that house, the puppies are born then gilded. So we are all at least agree that there was no name more precise and indisputable Golden Retriever!

At the end of the nineteenth century, this dog became very popular in England and was then brought in Canada and the United States. Very quickly began his career as a guide dog for the blind and was also increasingly used to assist the handicapped. His immense selflessness has allowed him to get to this day with this gift of being able to offer his help to others.

The Golden Retriever is a dog with a rational mind, providing his own good deeds with the knowledge of what he is doing. Turns out to be messy and even a dog knows that getting into trouble, but his character so serious and his intelligence allowed him to tirarsene out alone. She loves helping others, even if this raises problems, likes human company, likes and loves caresses also lead and be the man driving through unconditional love.

Given its solid lard and vigorous, and also saw the large nose, was used as a hunting ground and water, but in a limited over its shoulder work and help in daily life and social man.



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